FEATURE FILM Title Role Director
Working Title Films CC: EMILY Amy Alicia MacDonald
Blue Space Productions THE STAR THAT FELL FROM THE SKY Ophelia Jacob Crossely
Stage Title Role Director
Northern Stage A CHRISTMAS CAROL Cover Natalie Ibu
JB Shorts FOOD FIGHT Lila Miranda Parker
The Customs House WHERE DID ALL THE MAGPIES GO? Evie Rose Bowdon
Alphabetti Theatre SONG OF THE GOBLINS Beatrice Ali Pritchard
Alphebetti Theatre ANGELA Angela Kemi-Bo Jacobs
Waterside Theatre GROWTH Bess Simon Naylor
Waterside Theatre VIOLENCE AND SON Jen Simon Naylor
53two RAGE Girl Who Sparkles Andrew Sheridan
Waterside Theatre 110 STORIES Cary Sheih James Mair
The Arden School of Theatre NEVER TELL Joy Erin Shanagher
Alphabetti Theatre SARDINES Grace Ali Pritchard
Short Film Title Role Director
University of Salford CLIMBING OUT THE RABBIT HOLE Ashleigh Luke Schofield
COMMERCIAL Title Role Director
Kenyons TFGM Customer Aaron McDonald
Adidas ADIDAS (NUFC) Nightclub Dancer Martin Gibbons